What up fam! Let’s chat about our WHY today. Like, why are you reading this blog? Why do we care about our finances? Why are we trying to improve? Understanding the reason you’re here can unlock the motivation and inspiration you’re going to need to either get started or continue this financial journey. Let’s find your WHY.
I’ll show you mine if you’ll show me yours. 🙂
Here’s my why, in case it’s helpful for you as you find your why. Please remember, though. YOURS WILL BE DIFFERENT. And that’s okay. In fact, that’s the coolest thing about this. We’re all precious, unique snowflakes.
My “why”
For most of my adult life, I was single and working to support myself. I didn’t have a spouse to rely on, and didn’t want to ask for help from family. So during those years, I felt immense responsibility to make good decisions. If I didn’t, I’d end up back under my parents’ roof, and TBH, that would’ve been embarrassing and felt like a failure. Quite honestly, during that time, I had so much anxiety around money, and my why was simply FEAR. Fear of failure and fear of embarrassment. I like to believe it was a healthy fear, and that it inspired smart choices.
Now that I have a bit of perspective, the fear has faded into the background. It still roars its ugly head on occasion. But now, I feel confident in my abilities and in what I bring to a job and to my community. I have an abundant mindset and believe the future looks bright. If something happens, I’ll figure it out and come out on the other side of it.
Now my WHY is about freedom. It’s about having the ability to make the decisions I want. It’s about having the freedom to walk away from my job if it gets to be too stressful, or too many hours. If I need time off to help a family member with health issues, or if I get an opportunity to travel, I don’t want my survival to rely on my 9-5 job. The financial security and the long-term financial plan is what gives me back the control panel so I can structure my life in the way I want.
Think about your “why”
Maybe you have a younger sibling or older family member that you’ll need to take care of. Or you have health issues and want to secure your future. You might want to take time out to explore another career field or go back to school. Maybe you’re burned out and need to put your mental health first by cutting your hours (I feel ya there, sister!). You might want to be able to donate your time or money to a local organization that’s making an impact in your community. Or you want to be able to afford sustainably sourced or organic foods. The list goes on – every single person may have a different WHY.
But – let’s be real here. We all NEED TO HAVE A WHY. It needs to be clearly defined, and readily available to call on when the going gets tough.
Understanding the motivation behind your desire to embark on a financial journey is so incredibly important. It becomes your launching pad and foundation. It’s the motivation you need to take the next step, even if things get tough. In case, say, we encounter a global pandemic. Or make some major money mistakes. Until you have a clearly defined reason for doing what you’re doing, the new habits you’re trying to build won’t stick.
It’s also incredibly important for accountability that some of the people around you understand your why and can support you in the journey. If you’re dating seriously or for fun or married, making sure significant others are on board with the financial goals you’ve set will make the path easier.
Here’s a fun exercise to help you find your “why”:
Ask yourself, “Why do I care about my personal finances?” Once you answer that question, ask yourself, “WHY?” (If you have kids, or nieces/nephews or have ever babysat, you’re familiar with what comes next…the inevitable WHY SPIRAL.) Think about the answer to that question, and then again ask yourself, “WHY?”
Continue doing this until you either A) are exhausted and angry at me or B) you can’t dig any deeper (or, more likely, A and B). Kids have it figured out — you likely aren’t going to get to the root of the issue until you’ve gone several rounds in the WHY SPIRAL.
Think hard and report back when you find your WHY.